Collection: Luxury Cat Beds

Give your cat the ultimate in cat bed luxury, with a Furbubba cat cave. Fast delivery from Australia. Beautiful range of colours, our customers love these cute indoor cat houses perfect for small and large cats, with options for winter and summer, fair trade certified, eco-friendly, premium quality - be quick we often run out!

Fair Trade Certified

Cats love these cosy, comfy beds for sleep and play!

Our beautiful eco-friendly cat beds use premium quality felt made from 100% New Zealand wool. 

We are an Australian company proudly supporting Fair Trade and Good Weave International certified organisations, improving the lives of Nepalese women.

5 Stars from our Product Testers, Premium Quality, luxury Cat House Indoor Cat Bed Luxury. Large Cat Cave.
Large Fluffy Cat inside a Furbubba Cat Cave. Felt Cat Cave Australia. Cat Bed Australia. Cat Bed Large Catss
Colourful cat beds, blue cat cave, yellow cat cave, black cat cave, red cat cave